
WNTI Welcomes Yukio Okabe


20 July 2021

We are delighted to welcome Yukio Okabe to the WNTI team.

Yukio is our new Engineering and EPR Specialist, taking over the role from Hirotaka Nojima, who has now returned to his parent company, Nuclear Fuel Transport Co.

After obtaining his Masters in Engineering from the Chiba University, Japan in 2010, Yukio began working for Nuclear Fuel Transport Co., Ltd where he took care of designing and licensing various packages intended for the transport of spent fuel, MOX fuel, low level radioactive waste and decommissioning waste.

He was involved in developing an emergency response procedure as a package design specialist.

Yukio is looking forward to contributing to the development of the transport regulations, saying, ‘it is vital and essential to develop safety regulations for safe transport’.

“WNTI gives me great opportunities to make connections to various people who are dedicated to safe transportation. These connections are instrumental for mutual assistance in the industry. I will treasure these connections even after I return to the original position.”
Yukio Okabe Engineering and EPR Specialist