
North American Member News September 2021


Member News


14 October 2021


Eileen Supko

NRC Issues License for the Consolidated Interim Storage Facility for Spent Fuel in Andrews, Texas

View Final EIS
In September, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued a license to Interim Storage Partners LLC (ISP) to construct and operate a consolidated interim storage facility (CISF) for spent nuclear fuel in Andrews, Texas.

The license authorizes the company to receive, possess, transfer and store up to 5,000 metric tons of spent fuel and 231.3 metric tons of Greater-Than-Class C low-level radioactive waste for 40 years.  ISP plans to expand the facility in seven additional phases, up to a total capacity of 40,000 metric tons of fuel. License amendments would be required for each incremental expansion along with additional safety and environmental reviews.  Along with the license, NRC issued a safety evaluation report, which documents NRC’s technical and safety review of the facility.  ISP is a joint venture of Waste Control Specialists LLC and Orano USA. In late July, the NRC issued a Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) regarding the ISP license application for a (CISF).

View documents associated with the ISP license. 

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