

With over 25 years’ experience, we are the leading international organisation representing the collective interests of the radioactive materials transport sector, and those who rely on safe, secure, effective, sustainable and reliable transport.

We have detailed technical knowledge and expertise allowing us to represent members’ interests and the collective views of industry.

WNTI membership is a mark of quality, which identifies companies as part of an experienced group of professionals actively aiding the nuclear transport industry to change whilst maintain the highest standards.


Associate Members

Actively participate in the development of Good Practices and Position Papers through the Industry Working Groups.

They have access to all information produced by the WNTI and all meetings held; and when applicable, have a chance to help shape the safety, reliability, and regulatory future for the transportation of nuclear goods.

Support Members

Smaller companies with lesser direct involvement in nuclear transport activities but play an important role in the overall supply chain.


Why join?

By becoming a WNTI member, it makes you eligible for access to a number of great benefits available within the organisation.

Information Exchange

  • A monthly e-newsletter helping members to keep up to date with developments.
  • Access to free advice from our Specialist Technical Advisors and regional representatives.
  • Access to all WNTI Publications – Good practice guides and standards.
  • Access to Observer Status Reports from Intergovernmental Organisations such as the IAEA, IMO, ICAO and IATA.
  • Access to all WNTI Reports.
  • Specialist Advisors point of contact.


  • Cost free Attendance to all WNTI Meetings – Both days of the SAMM and Industry Working Groups.
  • Regular meetings throughout the year to encourage collaborative working across the sector, the opportunity to discuss key issues, improve services and promote good practice.

Industry Working Groups

Providing companies with a dedicated channel to develop well researched consolidated positions on practical issues of concern to them, and to have those positions represented at key international meetings where transport safety regulations are reviewed.

Meeting Room Services

We support our members by providing access to a number of meeting rooms in Central London. WNTI encourages members to stop by and visit the office.

Online Dedicated Member’s Portal

Allowing access to a member’s only section of the website, where you can view the latest information on WNTI events, working groups and industry news.

A Better Industry

By providing a strong collective industry voice representing member views and WNTI’s dedication to presenting the industry point of view on radioactive materials transport matters from an international perspective.


WNTI Working Groups

Front End Operations – Uranium Ore Concentrates (UOC) Working Group

The primary function of the Uranium Ore Concentrates Industry Working Group (UOC WG) is to discuss and explore the following aspects for uranium concentrates:

  • The packaging used.
  • The shipping process, for example sea containers and package securing methods.
  • The requirements and controls for transport, such as safety marks, shipping documents, safety data sheets and radiation protection.
  • To develop and maintain publications such as Good Practice Guides, WNTI Standards and Fact Sheets related to the transport of Uranium.

Front End Operations – HEXT Working Group

The HEXT Working Group (HEXT WG) provides a unique forum for our members to exchange information around UF6 topics, regarding package approvals and validations, UF6 cylinder standards, the publication of WNTI Guides and Fact Sheets, and technical and operational challenges. This consolidates to provide a comprehensive information base for its members about the regulatory environment and best practise for the safe handling and transportation of UF6 around the world.

Back End Operations – Spent Fuel Management Working Group

For the past five years, the Back-End Program’s Spent Fuel Management workstream, which is now referred to as a Working Group, has been showcasing their efforts at WNTI.

They have been sharing their knowledge on the transport and management challenges of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) in the United Kingdom. The team has had the privilege of working alongside UK- based colleagues but is now seeking to expand its reach to international organisations like the Nuclear Energy Authority to achieve greater alignment and collaboration in tackling the issue.

Presently, the working group comprises five members based in the UK from Sellafield Ltd (SL), Nuclear Transport solutions (NTS), Nuclear waste services (NWS) and WNTI. The group is tasked with addressing the long-term strategy for the wet storage, conditioning and transport of SNF at SL, followed by its disposal at the Geological Disposal Facility (GDF). This initiative takes into account all SNF owned by the UK that will be stored wet.

To achieve its objective, the group has identified four initial sub- workstreams:

  1. Near-term site operations, transport and interim
  2. Medium-term monitoring and management of SNF until
  3. Long-term conditioning and transport of fuel to the GDF by
  4. Any future changes in strategy that delay the transfer of SNF to the GDF and tactical challenges beyond 2080.

Initially, the aim of the project is to share its findings with WNTI members, opening doors for international collaboration and the creation of a guidance document for extended wet storage of SNF. The group is also considering dry storage and welcomes interaction with the WNTI team. As the project is still in its infancy, updates will be presented through WNTI Portfolio Board and WNTI Semi-Annual Members Meetings.

Back End Operations – Waste Decommissioning Disposal Working Group

The WNTI Back-End Transport Working Group (BET WG) offers the opportunity to develop discussions on back-end transport issues with the potential to affect radioactive materials transport in terms of safety requirements, costs, delays, and any other aspects. We also share and publish good practices on packaging and the transport of waste materials. We create a WNTI industry perspective on these issues and communicates these views to the IAEA, when it is appropriate.

Generation Programme - Maritime Applications and Nuclear Propulsion (MANP) Working Group

The Maritime Applications and Nuclear Propulsion (MANP) working group is a forum for members to discuss and develop rules frameworks for the deployment of next generation reactors at sea. The working group will engage with the IMO and IAEA to update current rules on nuclear deployment as well as work to ensure that these assets can be appropriately insured. The workstreams for the group to achieve this goal will be:
Class Rules and Maritime Safety
  • Participate with International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) members to establish new class rules.
  • Participate in defining insurance standards under new class rules.

Operating standards and Crew training

  • Identify and propose training requirements under STCW and ISM.
  • Work with ship management organisations.

Nuclear security

  • Identify and propose goals-based standards adherent to IAEA rules.
  • Work with WINS to design programs to ensure security.

Connection and collaboration

  • Connect the working group with IAEA and IMO.
  • Collaborate with relevant maritime and nuclear organisations.

Generation Programme - New Nuclear

Net zero needs nuclear – The recently established new nuclear working group has been created to help members enable the successful roll out of small modular and advanced nuclear technologies globally, contributing to the efforts to move away from fossil fuels and improving energy security.

We will do this by engaging with industry partners, exploring the important role transport will play and seek to proactively identify and solve issues and challenges we may face. The working group will also act as a vehicle to offer a single voice to important stakeholders such as the IAEA and regulators globally.

Task forces will be set-up to explore specific objectives that will be reported back to the working group who will then decide on the WNTI position. These task forces will be able to invite industry experts from external organisations to attend/observe meetings and workshops. We will also engage with industry partners such as front-end fuel suppliers (including mining, conversion, enrichment, deconversion and fabrication), reactor vendors, utilities and associated supply chain members.

Working Group Objectives:

  • Ensure transport is considered early in the design of new nuclear technology, the siting phase for new nuclear installations and in any waste management decisions.
  • Explore the impact of advanced nuclear fuels, such as HALEU, on the transport sector (e.g. regulatory, supply chain).
  • Contribute to the advocacy towards new nuclear power and the safety, security and reliability of the transport sector.
  • Engage with regulators and policy makers on the impact of new nuclear.

Policy and Regulation Delivery Stream

The Policy and Regulation Delivery Stream, formally SSR-6 Working Group, provides a forum for the discussion of the radioactive materials transport regulatory issues.

This is primarily accomplished through the IAEA Transport Safety Standards Committee (TRANSSC), where we participate. The purpose of the our working group is to help the IAEA and other policy makers (such as IMO, ICAO, IATA, UNECE) provide safe and practicable rules for the transport of radioactive material. The Policy and Regulation Delivery Stream is the place where industry can discuss and propose potential amendments to the transport regulations, focusing on SSR-6, its associated Safety Guides and implementation of SSR-6 in other modal transport regulations.

Enabling Activities – Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) Working Group

This Working Group provides a forum for developing discussions on Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR).

An essential objective of the working group is to improve member’s performance for EPR. In order to achieve this objective, we will exchange on lessons learned from exercises and potentially define best practice.

In terms of contributions to IAEA Emergency Preparedness and Response Standards Committee (EPReSC), we will identify potential and upcoming changes in the EPReSC guides related to transportation matters and propose amendments.

Enabling Activities – Transport Security Working Group

The WNTI Transport Security Working Group (TSWG) offers a unique opportunity for our members to meet and discuss key transport security matters. Since its creation, this community of transport security professionals continues to strengthen and plays a key role in helping develop and influence international good practice and recommendations concerning transport security. In doing so, the working group is represented at various international forums, including at the IAEA and IMO.

“Taking into account the current situation in the Worldwide nuclear industry, the need for timely updating of information on transformation processes, compliance with safety control at all stages of the transportation of radioactive materials of various categories, we believe that membership in WNTI - provides support in cooperation with experts and intergovernmental organizations as well as facilitate the exchange of professional experience in developing joint innovative solutions for the Global nuclear industry.”
Anatoly Chernyshov Deputy Director for Special Projects, Atomspectrans

