
About the IAEA

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The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is the world’s central intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical co-operation in the nuclear field. Its focuses are the safe, secure, and peaceful use of nuclear technologies, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and contributing to international peace and security.

WNTI members work together to maintain a sound, international transport framework through cooperation. We have held Observer Status at the IAEA for over 20 years, working closely with and supporting the IAEA in meetings and committees.

The meetings and committees we participate in


The Transport Safety Standard Committee (TRANSSC) consists of national regulators and observer organisations that come together to focus on writing and revising SSR-6 and its accompanying guidance documents. TRANSSC meets twice a year with each session lasting a week. TRANSSC Technical Expert Groups (TTEGs) focus on specific issues in greater detail. WNTI actively participates on all TRANSSC and TTEG activities.

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The Nuclear Security Guidance Committee (NSGC) is open to all Member States and selected NGOs. Its purpose is to make recommendations on the development and review of the IAEA Nuclear Security Series publications, for which WNTI provides an expert opinion on the transport aspects.

NSGC Documents


The Emergency Preparedness and Response Standards Committee (EPReSC) is the newest IAEA Safety Standards Committee, and its creation reflected the importance given to the crosscutting nature of emergency preparedness and response. WNTI has been invited to a series of IAEA meetings relating to transport EPR ever since it was established.

EPReSC Documents

The Informal Dialogue between Coastal and Shipping States

The Informal Dialogue was established in the early 2000s as a response to Coastal States’ request for increased information about the shipments of Mox Fuel, High Level Radioactive Waste and, as appropriate, Irradiated Nuclear Fuel by Sea. The Dialogue aims to build confidence between Coastal and Shipping States and to promote transparency on these issues.

WNTI is the only NGO with Observer status in these meetings.

CS/SS Informal Dialogue documents

IAEA General Conference

WNTI Participates in the IAEA General Conference each year. The conference brings together a range of industry experts from member states, government and non-governmental organisations to discuss a number of pressing issues in the nuclear field.

Click the button below to download the IAEA 67th General Conference WNTI Report.
67th General Conference WNTI Report