
INMM and WNTI host over 600 PATRAM attendees in New Orleans


20 August 2019

Over 600 attendees travelled to New Orleans, USA, to the 19th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials (PATRAM 2019), which was hosted by the Institute of Nuclear Materias Management (INMM) and the World Nuclear Transport Institute (WNTI).

full PATRAM program featured numerous concurrent sessions, running from Monday 5th August through to Friday 9th August, as well as Plenary Sessions. An event hall held a poster exhibition and exhibit stands from many participating organisations.

Many of our members were deeply involved in this event, either delivering presentations on behalf of WNTI or hosting their own Exhibition Stands. Our representatives also took part in panel discussions and chaired sessions. The WNTI exhibit was visited by many delegates throughout the week.

During the opening Plenary Session, Mr John Mulkern, our Secretary General, spoke of the importance of continuing a proactive dialogue between the regulators and industry: a role in which we play a major part. John also challenged Industry to look at how it approaches the very real challenges of maintaining its future knowledge base with an inreasingly aging workforce.

At the final closing banquet, we were very proud to see several of our members winning awards. Huge congratulations go to several members who received Aoki Awards for their Long Term Contribution to PATRAM 2019, including NFT Japan (as featured below).


We also offer our congratulations to those representatives who were acknowledged for their PATRAM 2016 awards, including Yang Sui of NWMO, who was awarded an Aoki Award following PATRAM 2016 for an outstanding PATRAM presentation and research.

Thanks need to be given to those WNTI members who made a direct contribution to the event, not only both as representatives for our institute but also through their own organisations.