
WNTI Industry Workshop – Advanced Reactors: Transportation and the Front-end Fuel Cycle for HALEU

Washington DC, USA
20 – 21 September 2023

The WNTI Industry Workshop – Advanced Reactors: Transportation and the Front-end Fuel Cycle for HALEU, held in Washington DC, USA, from 20 – 21 September 2023, was a resounding success! The workshop brought together industry experts to discuss the future of advanced nuclear reactors and their role in a sustainable energy future.

The workshop focused on transportation and the front-end fuel cycle for LEU+ (Low Enriched Uranium) and HALEU (High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium) – a fuel that is currently being developed for use in advanced reactors. Attendees discussed the challenges and opportunities associated with transporting this new fuel, as well as the technical and economic considerations involved in the front-end fuel cycle.

Overall, the WNTI Industry Workshop was an invaluable opportunity to bring together experts from diverse fields to discuss the future of nuclear energy. We are excited to see the continued progress and development in this field and look forward to future workshops.

Day 1 Summary

Sponsored and chaired by Urenco Global.

The day’s events began with Eileen Supko of Energy Resources International, Inc. and World Nuclear Transport Institute (WNTI) giving an overview of the market context in the last two to three decades.

Session 2 featured John Cash of Ur-Energy Inc. discussing mining, Eileen Supko spoke on conversion, Sarah Riedel, MBA of Urenco Global discussed enrichment, followed by Earl Saito of Global Nuclear Fuel, L.L.C. and Kallie M. of Westinghouse Electric Company talking about deconversion and fabrication. Session 2 ended with Wyatt Padgett, P.E., MBA of Urenco Global addressing the topic of licensing for existing Fuel Cycle Facilities.

Session 3 saw Sarah Riedal and Joel Kruehler of Urenco Global leading the discussion on contract management. The day’s events concluded with a Q&A panel session.

Day 2 Summary

Sponsored and chaired by Nuclear Transport Solutions (NTS).

Ben Whittard of Nuclear Transport Solutions and Sarah Riedel, MBA of Urenco Global opened the days session, followed by remarks from Peter Buchan, representing World Nuclear Transport Institute (WNTI) and Nima Ashkeboussie of Nuclear Energy Institute.

Session 1 was all about packaging for advanced fuels (LEU+ and HALEU) with speaker Rhianne Boag of NTS, giving an overview of packaging regulations, followed by Jay Thomas of Orano who spoke about packaging of UF6 today. Finally, a panel discussion which considered packaging for LEU+ and HALEU with Michael McMahon of NAC International, Rhianne Boag of NTS, Jay Thomas of Orano and Joel Kruehler of Urenco Global.

In session 2 we looked at an overview of current regulations and its restrictions. Michael McMahon gave an overview of transportation safety regulations. Next, George Burnett of NTS spoke about transport security regulations. Followed by Joel Kruehler who discussed the topic of restrictions in current transport regulations. Session 2 closed with a Q&A session.

In our 3rd session we featured some special topics, including ‘Experience in shipping HALEU’ with Peter Buchan of NTS and Jack Edlow of Edlow International Company. Followed by a Security Panel with Greg Phillips of SECURED TRANSPORTATION SERVICES LLC, Jason Karcz and Michael Shannon of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The final topic was an important discussion on Denial of Shipments with Jack Edlow of Edlow International Company, Terry Soulsby P.Log, CPT of Nordion, Peter Buchan of WNTI and Kurtis Hinz of TAM International LP.

Finally, we ended the day with a Q&A with Ben Whittard, NTS.


WNTI Industry Workshop – Advanced Reactors: Transportation and the Front-end Fuel Cycle for HALEU Day 1

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WNTI Industry Workshop – Advanced Reactors: Transportation and the Front-end Fuel Cycle for HALEU Day 2

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Sarah Riedal, Urenco Global, tells us her thoughts on the WNTI Industry Workshop – Advanced Reactors: Transportation and the Front-end Fuel Cycle for HALEU

Why was it important for Urenco Global to sponsor this Industry Workshop?

‘As the most globally diversified uranium enrichment producer in the world, Urenco understands the importance of a robust nuclear fuel supply chain to support the reactors of today and tomorrow.’

Why was this Industry Workshop important?

‘The event brought together front-end fuel cycle and transport experts and fostered an open discussion about the nuclear fuel market, challenges we’ve overcome and those ahead as we prepare for the production and transport of advanced fuels.’

What did you enjoy during this Industry Workshop?

‘We enjoyed a productive discussion engaging all aspects of the front-end of the nuclear fuel supply chain—from mine to reactor.’

“I want to commend you and all who worked to plan the front end fuel conference that was held this Wednesday and Thursday. I have been in the business for 47 years and this is one of the best I have attended. The speakers were very informative, and the attendees represented all of the stakeholders that will need to work together to advance the front-end fuel supply needs for the many new innovations in nuclear power. It was very much right sized to enable great dialog on the issues and networking to get connected.”
Industry Workshop Attendee

Thank you

The WNTI team expresses our deepest gratitude to the attendees and speakers who helped make the Industry Workshop – Advanced Reactors: Transportation and the Front-end Fuel Cycle for HALEU such a huge success, we were immensely pleased with the insightful contributions that were made across the various topics discussed. 

We also extend a heartfelt thank you to our sponsors, Urenco Global and Nuclear Transport Solutions, whose unwavering support ensured the success of the workshop. Additionally, we appreciate the dedication and hard work of our workshop chairs, Sarah Riedal and Ben Whittard. 

A very special thank you to Jennifer Watson from HelmsBriscoe in helping organise this memorable event.

Finally, we recognise the efforts of our own WNTI team members, Amy Northage, Eileen Supko and Peter Buchan, who played an integral role in bringing this workshop to fruition. Thank you all for your contributions to this valuable event.
